Desert vs Dessert

What is the difference?


Desert (Verb, Noun)


An area that is very dry and covered with sand and cactus is known by the name desert. The area is usually very hot, and you can’t even find any sign of water there. Moreover, it is also mentioned as abandoning someone or something for a reason.


As a noun, it can be used figuratively to describe a dull and empty place that only contains sand. If used in a sentence, it would sound like, “Nick and his team were lost in the desert for almost nine days without any supplies.” But when it refers to a verb, it means leaving or abandoning a place or person. For instance, “Alex deserted his wife and family for another woman.


  • The desert is no place for a foreign man or woman.
  • One of our best camping was in the desert under the stars.
  • They discovered an oasis in the desert.


  • Abandon
  • Empty
  • Unoccupied
  • Give Up
  • Leave

Dessert (Noun)


Dessert is a sweet course or dish that is served at the end of the meal.


To use the word dessert in the sentence, it makes proper sense and should sound correct contextually. For instance, “Strawberry cake was served as dessert at the wedding,” here, dessert refers to the sweet dish served after the main course at the wedding.


  • Would you like some dessert wine with that?
  • Sarah loves to make homemade desserts for her family.
  • There’s nothing better than dessert after the meal.


  • Sweet
  • Confection
  • Treat
  • Pudding
  • Pastry

Key Differences:

In essence, both of these words have everything different.

“Desert” refers to a barren, dry area of land, often associated with sand and little to no vegetation. It can also mean abandoning someone or something.

A “dessert,” on the other hand, refers to the sweet course served after a meal, such as cake or ice cream.


Confusing Words